Cross and McMurdo Sound

Cross and McMurdo Sound

Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog 1 - The Journey Began!

Remember Me????

  So let's see, it started back on Saturday February 27, 2010, when I started my journey to Antarctica via Denver, CO actually Centennial CO. I started by heading to the headquarters of Raytheon Polar Services Company , the contractor that hired me as a firefighter, to attend some quick training and last minute adminastrative tasks.

  After I arrived late Saturday, had a full day of training on Sunday, and then had a whirlwind finale on Monday morning, we all (~15 of us) were bussed to Denver International to catch our flight to LA. To say that this was the start of a long trip might be a little of an understatement. Our trip to the airport started right around noon, our fligtht to LA around 1630, lost an hour in flight, waited in LA until 2230, and then had a 14hr. 55min. flight to Sydney, loosing more than just hours, but an entire day! You can figure out how long it took, all I know is it was kind of long!?!

   So the flight to Sydney was on Quantas Airlines and I must say flying them made the long? flight seem pretty manageable. I was lucky enough to have an empty seat next to me and had lots of Aussies around me to talk with. Each seat has their own entertainment system where you can watch lots of movies, tv shows, tons of music, and travel information and videos to watch. It was Awesome!!!! I highly recommend them and really look forward to my return trip! The food was great, the alcohol was free, and the lady Aussie flight attendents didn't hurt either!;-)

   Now the only thing I have bad to say about Quantas is that they are hardcore when it to trying to upgrade with them. I first tried to call as soon as I got my flight arrangement and they told me it would be about $11,500 to upgrade. That's right ELEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED! Well that was a quick NO on my part. Though the phone call didn't work I wasn't going to give up. When i got to LA I left security and headed to the front desk of Quantas.  A little side here, very interesting how all 6 of the people behind the counter just happen to be very attractive, young, blonde Australian ladies!!!! Not sure why, but it was. Anyway, I went up to the counter, used every ounce of charm I had (guess not enough) and tried to upgrade there. We'll I did a little better since the price now was only $2000 for an upgrade. Now, I'm not asking first class, I was only asking Business or Premium Economy, both of which were on the top floor of the jet. I couldn't believe it was still that much. I tried my hardest, but I feel the Aussie ladies don't like us American boys so it didn't work. I wasn't done though!!!! I figured I still had the actual gate in the terminal to try, figuring the closer the flight time came, the more they would be willing to offer a seat at a reduced cost. NOT!!! Just so happens the lady who was at the terminal gate happened to be one that was at the ticket counter earlier. I was stumped!!! I had to admit defeat and deal with what I had, which all and all turned out great!!!

   So we finally arrived in Sydney at like 0900 two days after we left or something??? When we got off the plane I was lucky enough to get a picture of the A380 jet we flew, which happens to be the largest jet at this time. I think? Here it is:

Here's also a basic photo of part of the Sydney airport:


   So after we landed we rushed to our connecting flight to Christchurch, New Zealand. This flight was another 2.5 to 3 hours long, but it actually seemed to go by alright and the views out the windows, going over the coast and the New Zealand Alps were awesome!!!

   Here's a quick photo of the outside of the Christchurch Airport:

   Once we got to Christchurch we gathered our luggage, some of us did, and headed out to the parking lot for our shuttle to the Hotel So in downtown Christchurch. I'll hit Christchurch and the hotel next time, but all I know is I was only two days, barring weather, from getting on a flight and heading to Antarctica. A lot closer now than I was before!

   OK, I'll leave you with one little taste of the views heading to Antarctica on the flight. Enjoy and I'll fill in more soon!!!


David Markowtz said...

It's a balmy -1? beach weather... stay cozy.

Kelly said...

awesome blog Corey, I cannot even imagine how those flight attendants did not find you utterly charming!! Do not give up. PS> Mark Trapin says he only wants to fly Quantas now!!

Robert Knight said...

Corey, Good man. Happy to hear you are enjoying the beginning of your Antarctic adventure. Make sure to keep us informed of all the interesting people and stories from McMurdo town. Kelly shared the pengiun photograph with Lynde and I. Very nice! Penguins are good snugglers from what I hear. Keep us posted!!! Robert