Cross and McMurdo Sound

Cross and McMurdo Sound

Monday, May 10, 2010

Blog #11 – SUNLIGHT??

OK, I know everyone out there believes we have been living in complete darkness since the sun “Officially” set for the last time on April 24th, but I must let you all know that we still had some light peeking out  out there during the days. OK, it’s not a lot of light, especially from today on, but it’s still at least something to help you see what’s in front of you, for now. The next few photos are what it looked like 3 days, 6 days, 8 days, and 17 days after the sun set. As you all can see we do (did) still have some light down here, but I will admit, we are kind of losing more and more each day.
3 days after last sunset!

Looks pretty nice to me. You can also see the bay that the large cargo ship comes into and docks when it arrives in February with all our supplies. In the next couple of photos you'll see shots from this same position and during that you'll see lights pop up and work being done out there. They are building a new ice pier this year for off loading all the cargo. I guess what they do is layer gravel on top of the ice, get it wet with seawater, let it freeze, more gravel, and so on and so forth. The last pier they had (you can see it right in the middle left of the picture with two telephone poles on it) lasted about 10 or 12 years and just cracked beyond continued use this year. This new pier looks all nice and neat and I'll have to get more pictures of it when it's completed.

Another 3 day shot.

You can actually see the green flagging they put out to mark aspects of the pier before they got out there in heavy machinery!

6 days after sunset of the McMurdo shot from partial way up Observation Hill.

8 days after sunset!

I should actually mention that these photos were all taken around 1300-1400 in the day. The sun set at 1336 on the 24th so I'm trying to get it at exactly that time each day afterward. This photo was taken from the window in my office at the station. The building right in front is Gallagher's the bar and those are three of the dorms in the distance.

17 days after sunset!

OK, I guess you can say now that we've lost most of our light, but it still looks like there is more out there than total darkness. The light to the right is from the pier, one of the lights they put in it on the telephone poles. I'll get another that might show the pier better, but you'll get a better shot at the end of the season.

17 days again!

17 days with a flash!

Now you can see the pier a little better. Looks like a nice ice skating rink with the berms around it. There are two poles in the middle of it. Not sure how they break it off of the other ice, but it floats perfectly for dealing with the cargo!

So that about does it for now. I will get a good photo of when it's really dark out there and no hint of light. Still hasn't gotten really cold yet, but we keep getting told it will come August!? Hope you all enjoyed the photos and I'll get another one going soon.


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