Cross and McMurdo Sound

Cross and McMurdo Sound

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog 6 - Recreation and Horseshoes

So a lot of people have been asking me what there is to do down here at McMurdo in the winter. Well to be honest, they’ve thought about that and have a plethora of activities to keep people busy.

First off there is one weight gym, a cardio gym, and another full scale gym, ok it’s not completely full scale, but it’s pretty darn close! After that there are tons of activities set up from basketball, volleyball, dodge ball, swing dancing, soccer, rock climbing, and aerobic classes in the mornings. Oh, almost forgot the yoga that goes on!

After the physical sports are complete there are lots of other activities to get involved in. Periodically they have a bingo night, a trivia night, chess night, pool tournaments and dart tournaments all the way to a staring club! OK, that last one is kind of weird, but this is Antarctica in the middle of winter!!!!

There just seems to always be something to do around here on the base. There is a bar, Gallagher’s, and there is always a band, a party, or something going on in there most nights. If Gallagher’s isn’t hopping then there is usually a party being thrown by one of the work groups here on base. Tonight the MEC (Mechanical Equipment Center) is throwing a big party at their building where there will be a few bands, lots of alcohol, and a bunch of crazy WinterOver folks hanging out!

This weekend is a big weekend because it’s a full two day weekend for most of the folks here in McTown. Most people work 6 days a week here, so about once a month they all are given a full weekend to relax and enjoy. This is when the big parties usually happen and this is when the VMF (Vehicle Maintenance Facility) guys throw their big Horseshoe Tournament.
VMF throws a horseshoe tournament about once a month for a few people who can get in on the list. The competition consists of 4 pitching lanes inside the VMF work bays consisting of large metal pitching targets made by the guys at VMF. These targets are about 4’ x 4’, welded together, and filled with some volcanic gravel and dirt to cushion the horseshoes blow. It’s a pretty cool set up and you can tell these guys have been doing this for a long time now.

Here are some pictures from the last tournament. A new tournament takes place tomorrow, on Saturday, and will consist of the same 4 pitching lanes, some grilled burgers, hotdogs, and steaks and, Oh Yeah, a lot of beer! When they send out the invitation they ask for people to bring beer. Well let me tell you, everyone did bring some beer! You’ll see the picture of the big container in a second!

So that’s about it. There is always something going on here at McMurdo. There is sports, parties, get togethers, the bar and if those don’t work there’s the library, the craft room, a gear checkout place, and a bunch of hikes you can take around the area, that is if you are ready for the slight chill and the wind!!

Enjoy the photos and I’ll fill you in on more soon! Cheers!

Horseshoe lanes

Pitching Stops

C the Shoe?

The Games Begin!


What Everyone Really Came For!!!!  All BEER!!!!

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